Tag: Beer

Hand Placing Wood Domino Perpendicular

GreatVines Proven-Successful Implementation Part 2

Nothing is more damaging to a beverage sales force than undertaking the effort to deploy a sales process automation solution that fails to live up to its potential. There is a lot that can go wrong during implementation of such…
Person at Split Roads Between Success or Failure

GreatVines Proven-Successful Implementation Part 1

  The old saw says, “one must learn to crawl before one can walk, run or fly”. With anticipations running high for the efficiency and productivity boost promised by a new solution, organizations often overlook key,…
Cuervo Games Sign

Experiential Marketing Part Of Your Brand Strategy?

Brand activation – campaigns, events, or experiences enabling your brand to engage directly with consumers – is a hot strategy in beverage alcohol sales these days. Building a loyal brand community around your beverage via…
NBWA Outside Conference

NBWA Takeaway: Tonic for What’s “Ale-ing” Brewers

The cyclical nature of any business across any industry is nothing new. There is an ebb and flow to all markets and some segments will always be heating up while others are cooling. No one segment really enjoys being “king of…

Suppliers Need To Up Their Game

If there’s one thing technology is exceptionally suited to address, it is collaboration between groups across widely diverse locations as well as within the relationships between business organizations and their partners. Case…
Bottles of Wine, Red and White

Is Your Sales Solution Flexible Enough

  The intricacies of the 3-tier system for alcoholic beverage distribution most certainly qualify as the kind of complex business process GreatVines (and automation technology in general) is designed to automate. Want to…
Two Beers In Separate Glass Kinds

RateBeer Brouhaha Illustrates Value of Data in Beverage Sales

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  Wherever you stand on the whole A-B InBev RateBeer.com brew-haha (sorry we couldn’t resist), there is one unassailable point to be noted. That being, the role played by data in the contemporary beverage alcohol sales…
Numerous Dollar Bills with blue background(sky)

Tax Cut for Brewers Perfect Reason to Automate Beer Sales

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The Beer Institute and the National Beer Wholesalers association issued a study last month revealing the U.S. beer industry can be credited with creating better than 2.2 million jobs paying a total of $103 billion in wages and…

Craft Beer Sales Slump – Why and What to do

There is no question that Craft Beer has seen a massive growth spurt in the last decade. Consumers have increasingly turned to the more flavorful and higher cost brews from a wider number of suppliers, as well as embracing a constant…