Tag: Goals

SQL Server 2012 SP1 is out!
Articles, Data Analytics, EventsTo all Business Impact Clients:
Microsoft released on the 19th November, the first Service Pack (SP1) for SQL Server 2012. One can find the list of fixes in their support article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2674319 and read more about…

CBA and Craft Business Daily [Beer]
Articles, Events, News, Retail Space Management
We are thrilled to be highlighted by one of our craft beer suppliers today in the Craft Business Daily email newsletter! Thanks to Marty, Andy and Jenn for the love.
One Winner on 2012 Execution
December 5, 2011

Why Chatter Matters
Articles, Retail Space Management
We at GreatVines have been very excited about the rollout and promotion of Chatter on the Force.com platform. If you watched Superbowl XLV and the Halftime show, you saw animated videos featuring will.i.am, the Black Eyed Peas and Chatter.