Category: Featured

From Stone Age to Digital Age: Why Wineries Must Ditch Excel for Modern Pricing Platforms

TLDR If you manage pricing on Excel spreadsheets and email them back and forth, you are in the Stone Age. Modern pricing platforms outshine Excel in many aspects. They offer significantly enhanced accuracy and speed, superior version…

Ten Ways Suppliers Can Gain Mindshare with Distributors

Distributors’ portfolios are more crowded than ever. Getting the distributors’ attention has become nearly impossible, especially for smaller suppliers. But fear not; some strategies can help you break through the clutter…

3 Keys to Boosting Revenue in 2024 and Beyond

Despite the prevailing gloom and doom in the trade press, there's a silver lining for many adult beverage brands. They're not just surviving; they're thriving with double-digit growth and more! This article examines adult beverage brands' strategies…

12 Things Distributors Do for Their Supplier Partners (but Don’t Always Get Credit)

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Wine and spirits distributors do not always get full credit for their myriad of services offered. With portfolios bursting at the seams, their role in the 3-tier system is difficult. We at Andavi Solutions would like to recognize some of the…

The 4 Major Challenges for Wine and Spirits Brands in 2024 (and How to Overcome Them)

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2024 is shaping up to be one of the most challenging years yet for wine and spirits brands, especially in the US Not just because of the unprecedented level of competition but also because of the changing landscape in which new sales revenue…

3 Trade Promotion Management Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

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Accurately and efficiently managing pricing, billbacks, program analysis, approvals, and planning cycles is critical to a winery or distillery’s profitability. Most beverage companies’ systems for managing all aspects of trade promotion…

Top 3 Killers of Sales Productivity

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We are all about to put a wrap on one of the most difficult and hyper-competitive years in the history of the wine and spirits industry, and 2024 is only going to be even more challenging. More sales and more revenue are on EVERYONE’s wish…

6 Essential Trends Shaping Wine and Spirits Sales in 2024

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The new year is fast approaching, and the speed of change in wine and spirits sales has never been more startling. Many wine and spirits companies are operating if little has changed, and unfortunately, this is causing a significant separation…