Tag: 3-tier

Rotary phone with a stopwatch and a cable connecting to smartphone

3 Q’s for Alcohol Suppliers Considering a New Sales Reporting Solution

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Most producers of beer, wine and spirits have some form of sales reporting/trade marketing solution in place to help them manage their business. Whether it is a collection of manual processes, a “home-brewed” technology solution or a…
Data, Business Intelligence, Strategy, and Analysis as Arrows going the same way(right)

BI & Business Analytics: Are They The Same?

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You’ve definitely heard of business intelligence and you’ve likely heard the term business analytics before. In fact, you probably heard both terms used interchangeably, but you aren’t quite sure what the difference is. That’s expected,…
Sticky notes with different resolutions that you can do

Email: The Best Trade Marketing Tool You Didn’t Know You Had

Being the first full week of 2015, it is hard not to think about resolutions. As a software developer and provider, one of mine is to help our customers get more value from their investment in our solution. As a sales professional…
closed for business sign

Avoid Joining the 85% of New Products that Fail in the Marketplace

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Nielsen recently announced a new statistic: 85% of new products fail in the marketplace. This startling number should get all of us thinking. We all want to be successful, and we get paid to build successful brands.  What…

Why Tech-Savvy Suppliers And Distributors Have An Advantage

The technology available in the Beverage Sales market today has created two camps that are both competing for the same sales and customers. Some companies stick to old formulas, often implemented several decades ago, and rely on…

How to “Go Deep” and Steal Market Share

According to the National Restaurant Association and the U.S. Census Bureau, this summer saw Eating and Drinking Place Sales in the U.S. , an indicator of how much consumers are spending in the on-premise, grow to its highest point on record.…
Photo of Jerry Maguire(Tom Cruise)

What Happens in GreatVines Stays in GreatVines

“The key to this business is personal relationships” — Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) quoting famous (but fictional) sports agent Dicky Fox We live and work in a relationship-driven business. The key drivers are not merely…
Photo of Jerry Maguire(Tom Cruise)

What Happens in GreatVines Stays in GreatVines

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“The key to this business is personal relationships” — Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) quoting famous (but fictional) sports agent Dicky Fox We live and work in a relationship-driven business. The key drivers are not merely…
Exciting and boring signs pointing in opposite directions with sunset background pink

3 Ways to Simplify Training and Start Executing

The best sales reps in the industry all have their own way of working that they become very comfortable with. But even the best aren’t maximizing their selling opportunities. An important part of our training is showing how GreatVines…