Tag: Analytics

M&A with big fish about to eat a smaller fish

GreatVines Supports M&A Activity for Alcoholic Beverage Companies

  Shanken News Daily’s article titled, “Craft Spirits Continue Bull Run, With More M&A Activity On The Horizon” details the growing wave of merger and acquisition (M&A) activity occurring within the alcoholic…
Hand Placing Wood Domino Perpendicular

GreatVines Proven-Successful Implementation Part 2

Nothing is more damaging to a beverage sales force than undertaking the effort to deploy a sales process automation solution that fails to live up to its potential. There is a lot that can go wrong during implementation of such…
Person at Split Roads Between Success or Failure

GreatVines Proven-Successful Implementation Part 1

  The old saw says, “one must learn to crawl before one can walk, run or fly”. With anticipations running high for the efficiency and productivity boost promised by a new solution, organizations often overlook key,…
ToolBox ontop of Black Keyboard

High Cost of Cheap Sales Tools

“The high cost of cheap food” is a well-known object lesson in the dangers of cutting corners. In a nutshell, the idea is this: what one saves in terms of cost by eating nothing but fast food dollar menu fare is more than offset…
Default Baseball Stadium

“Homers” – Leverage Data to Hit It Out

  A wise man (well, okay, it was Homer Simpson) once said, “Here’s to alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.” To coin a Homeresque phrase, we might modify the toast like this: “Here’s…
Cuervo Games Sign

Experiential Marketing Part Of Your Brand Strategy?

Brand activation – campaigns, events, or experiences enabling your brand to engage directly with consumers – is a hot strategy in beverage alcohol sales these days. Building a loyal brand community around your beverage via…
NBWA Outside Conference

NBWA Takeaway: Tonic for What’s “Ale-ing” Brewers

The cyclical nature of any business across any industry is nothing new. There is an ebb and flow to all markets and some segments will always be heating up while others are cooling. No one segment really enjoys being “king of…
Scissors clipping off a person

Is AB InBev’s High End Field Team Reduction a Mistake?

Disclosure: AB Inbev is not a GreatVines client and we are not outlining the following as a means of helping them achieve any particular advantage. We just wanted to take the opportunity to point out something we disagree with from a strategy…
Person holding their fist up in success while looking at phone

Great Way to Boost Wine Sales in a Competitive Environment

Getting your wine into the chain accounts is a well-worn strategy for promoting the label to larger, retail audiences. Sweet-talking sommeliers into including your labels on their lists in well-known restaurants is another, more…