Tag: Beer

Tall Machines With Lasers coming out of them on Snow with mountains behind

The Weapons of War Evolve to Address the Changing Nature of the Battle

The old saw says, “never bring a knife to a gunfight”. The idea that it is foolish to enter into a battle situation with outclassed weaponry is not a new one.  It is an idea that can easily be applied to the fate of beverage distributors…
Woman Standing facing camera with inotebook in hand. Office in background blurred

Beer Business Daily — What’s Driving Distributors to Embrace New Technology?

Everyone’s favorite barley blogger, Harry Schuhmacher at Beer Business Daily posted a piece that really piqued our interest here at the GreatVines blog. Titled, “Distributors Cite Technology, Data Analytics as Change Agents Driving…
Choose your 3-Tier Adventure Distributors that help themselves. 3 Tiers of distribution variation animated

Choose Your 3-Tier Distribution Adventure

For the first GreatVines Infographic we thought we would explore the different paths that a supplier might take to get their products into market. Do you “outsource” all of your brand development and activation to your distributors or…
Man in suit(black) Presenting the word Distribution(white) and plain black background

Stop Depending So Much on Your Distributors

There’s a popular but delusional belief in the wine industry that distributors will build your brand for you. Same goes for spirits and beer suppliers. It seems a reasonable assumption on the surface. After all, that’s how it’s been done…
Woman Holding white wine bottle in front of shelves of bottles

Unlock Your Pricing Potential

There are tangible benefits to exerting greater control over pricing, particularly when it comes to selling beverages via the 3-tier system. But, just what does that mean to “exert greater control” over pricing?  Some say…

Is DIY the Solution to the On-Premise Wine Problem?

I recently saw some great insights from my old colleague, Charles Gill from Winemetrics, regarding a downward trend in wine in the on-premise.  Craft beer and cocktails are clearly hot categories for consumers, but sales execution…
closed for business sign

Avoid Joining the 85% of New Products that Fail in the Marketplace

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Nielsen recently announced a new statistic: 85% of new products fail in the marketplace. This startling number should get all of us thinking. We all want to be successful, and we get paid to build successful brands.  What…

Change Management: Ever a Struggle

Like many of us, I attend a lot of conferences. At one of them I moderate an annual CIO roundtable full of bright folks that get together and share ideas and experiences. As part of our regular practice, we collect topics from…

Why Tech-Savvy Suppliers And Distributors Have An Advantage

The technology available in the Beverage Sales market today has created two camps that are both competing for the same sales and customers. Some companies stick to old formulas, often implemented several decades ago, and rely on…