Tag: Distribution

Two Beers In Separate Glass Kinds

RateBeer Brouhaha Illustrates Value of Data in Beverage Sales

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  Wherever you stand on the whole A-B InBev RateBeer.com brew-haha (sorry we couldn’t resist), there is one unassailable point to be noted. That being, the role played by data in the contemporary beverage alcohol sales…
Numerous Dollar Bills with blue background(sky)

Tax Cut for Brewers Perfect Reason to Automate Beer Sales

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The Beer Institute and the National Beer Wholesalers association issued a study last month revealing the U.S. beer industry can be credited with creating better than 2.2 million jobs paying a total of $103 billion in wages and…
Blue eye inside Green circle of Light

How Data Visibility Keeps Employees Honest

  The Russian proverb made famous during the Cold War says, “trust, but verify”.  Pragmatic advice that can be applied to nearly all activity and across walks of life. When it comes to managing million-dollar beverage…
Shoes Running down Straight Gravel Path

Selling Out of Control

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  As a “do-it-youselfer”, you’re the type of person who derives gratification and a sense of accomplishment from taking your fate into your own hands and not relying on others to help you achieve your goals. But just…
Bottles of wine on shelf down a row

Hand Selling Meets Sales Automation

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Beverage Media Group’s Zachary Sussman writes an article on the burgeoning significance of “hand selling” niche varietals. The explosion of consumer interest in new and exciting beverage experiences, he describes in an article…
hand placing puzzle piece with background of bar graph

Understanding Embedded Analytics

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It was early in the genesis of GreatVines that we realized including business insights and results with our application was critical to its success. The buzzword “embedded analytics” didn’t even exist back when we first started…

Craft Beer Sales Slump – Why and What to do

There is no question that Craft Beer has seen a massive growth spurt in the last decade. Consumers have increasingly turned to the more flavorful and higher cost brews from a wider number of suppliers, as well as embracing a constant…
3 Tier Shelf of Small Liquor Bottles Varying in Brand

Sales through Focus on Smaller Sizes

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Here’s a great insight worth reflecting upon with respect to your go-to-market strategy. Do you offer core products in small formats to capitalize on non-traditional placements and get your product into the hands of more consumers?…
Person pointing at Laptop with varying technology behind on blackboard

Leveraging Technology for a Competitive Advantage

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Growing a successful business as a producer of spirits and wines is no easy task. There are countless variables, obstacles, challenges, and pitfalls for a new beverage producer to overcome, and the competition is fierce. Nevertheless,…