` Get Most Out of Your Trade Promotions - Andavi Solutions - Digital Collaboration Software for Beverage Alcohol Suppliers and Distributors

Get the Most Out of Your Trade Promotions During the Holiday Season

GreatVines Trade Promotion Management White Paper

The holidays are upon us, which means Trade Promotion activities are in full swing. While 2020 has changed what those activities look like, it doesn’t make them any less valuable to your sales process. Activities that carry significance should be tracked to best understand the impact they’re making on your bottom line. GreatVines provides the means to go beyond just tracking spend, connecting expenses with depletion data for valuable transparency into sales data.

We’ve prepared a White Paper to go over the impact our solution can have on your business, titled “Driving Sales and Trade Marketing Success in the Global Beverage Industry – How Enterprise Software Is Making a Difference.” Request your free copy by clicking on the image below. You’ll be asked to provide your name and email address for it to be delivered right to your inbox.

Driving Sales and Trade Marketing Success in the Global Beverage Industry
How Enterprise Software Is Making a Difference

Topics covered within the White Paper:

  • Challenges Facing Suppliers Using Manual Processes
  • Descriptions of Key Sales Levers for the Beverage Alcohol Industry
    • Key Account Identification
    • Distribution Management Strategy
    • Account Activation and Brand Visibility
    • Trade Marketing Efficiency
  • A Proven Comprehensive Sales and Marketing Approach Using GreatVines
For more information on GreatVines’ capabilities, visit our Trade Promotion Management page to read about which activities can be tracked throughout an entire promotion cycle, four broad levels of financial tracking, and integrations with your ERP and CRM.