Tag: Integration

Retro Computer Screen in Black and Green

3 Signs It’s Time to Update Your Depletion Reporting Solution

The peak season is rapidly approaching and suppliers, their sales teams, distributors and retailers are all gearing up for the fourth quarter push. The forward-thinking suppliers are also casting an eye toward 2016 and considering how they’ll…
Cloud in sky in shape of dollar symbol

Four Reasons Why You Don’t Want a Cloud Solution for Pricing

At times, we encounter resistance to the idea of taking beverage pricing processes into the cloud. We get it. Cloud sounds like a buzzword, and the last thing you need when trying to get your beverage product into the market is to fiddle around…
Calculator With the Word COSTS as the result

What Makes up the Total Cost of BI?

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If you’re currently in the market for a business intelligence solution, then it’s assumed that your organization is in the mind-state of growth. It’s likely that your business is growing at a pace that is getting difficult to handle…
Balance Sheet Report Example with posting date location

Adding an “As Of” Date to TARGIT Reports

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Picture 1 Financial statements in TARGIT are often constructed with comparisons and calculations for more exact formatting. The comparisons can hold elements for current and previous years, quarters, months, or any combination of time you…
Business Intelligence on Notepad with Calculator, glasses, and paper next to it

Is BI Worth the Money?

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If the conversation of business intelligence comes up, one of the first questions that will come up from interested companies is “Is it really worth the investment?” And that’s a tough question to answer as it’s hard to give out guarantees…
Cartoon Employees(Black and White) Chatting about communication with employees

4 Ways to Excite Your Employees About BI

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The concept of business intelligence (BI) is extremely useful and practical for any type of business that desires to keep track of company information and make decisions based on statistics rather than instinct. But, let’s face it — it’s…

How I “Cut My Pricing Teeth”

Definition:  It’s a metaphoric reference to when a baby’s teeth first appear. They grow (cut) through the gums – often painfully, which also gives us the figurative usage teething troubles. Once the baby has “cut its teeth”,…
Industry Infographics generic image

4 Effective Practices for Data Visualization

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What is the biggest pitfall in your business intelligence solution? For some, they’re lacking the proper technology to provide the big data that’s needed for their decision makers. For others, it’s the ease of use that’s required to…
Operator holding bottle of wine talking to customer in front of wine bottle shelves

5 Easy Ways to Implement Basic CRM and Why You Should

We hear technology experts talk about “CRM” or Customer Relationship Management as a critical part of any company’s sales strategy. Harvard Business Review reported that companies who implement CRM increased sales 10%…