Tag: Integration

light bulbs green background

Didn’t Make the Top 30 Domestic Wineries List? Gain Advantage Using Tech Tools

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There are more than 9,000 domestic wineries in the United States, yet 90% of all the wine sold in America is produced by a mere handful of producers. Yes, the Wine Business Monthly WBM30 list is out in this month’s issue and…
Gold and Silver Arrows coming together then going upwards

NOT an Invasive Species – How GreatVines Integrates with Existing IT Ecosystems

Think about introducing any new software solution into an organization’s IT landscape is like introducing a non-native species into an existing ecosystem. The ecosystem already enjoys a balance between the complex biodiversity…
Hand on Stopwatch with sky as background

2-MINUTE WARNING: Ten Q2 Action Items Wineries and Distilleries Can’t Ignore

There’s only six weeks left in the first quarter of 2017. Yikes! I know you are knee deep in the daily business of production, in addition to marketing, trade shows, tastings, and mopping the floor. Now I’m going to give you…
Gray and black pencils with one red pencil in the middle. Smiley Faces/Frowney Represented in bright colors accordingly.

What’s in it for Me? Attaining Preferred Supplier Status

Motivated suppliers often come to the realization that there is an enormous benefit in improving their relationships with distributors in an increasingly crowded marketplace. We have been increasingly queried by suppliers (both…
5 People made up of Numbers with a bright blue light coursing through them all

Make the Leap from Collecting Data to Harnessing It

Collecting, organizing and archiving sales and marketing activity data using software can be truly transformative for an organization. It is a huge first step towards exerting effective control over spend, relationship management and a host…
White Keyboard with Bright Red Enter Button that States Time to Change

Out With the Old and In With the New!

No, we’re not talking about the New Year, although that auspicious marker of the passing of time is coincidentally relevant to the topic at hand. The relentless march of time reminds us that an unstoppable procession of evolution…
Tall Machines With Lasers coming out of them on Snow with mountains behind

The Weapons of War Evolve to Address the Changing Nature of the Battle

The old saw says, “never bring a knife to a gunfight”. The idea that it is foolish to enter into a battle situation with outclassed weaponry is not a new one.  It is an idea that can easily be applied to the fate of beverage distributors…
Woman Standing facing camera with inotebook in hand. Office in background blurred

Beer Business Daily — What’s Driving Distributors to Embrace New Technology?

Everyone’s favorite barley blogger, Harry Schuhmacher at Beer Business Daily posted a piece that really piqued our interest here at the GreatVines blog. Titled, “Distributors Cite Technology, Data Analytics as Change Agents Driving…
Choose your 3-Tier Adventure Distributors that help themselves. 3 Tiers of distribution variation animated

Choose Your 3-Tier Distribution Adventure

For the first GreatVines Infographic we thought we would explore the different paths that a supplier might take to get their products into market. Do you “outsource” all of your brand development and activation to your distributors or…