Tag: Retail Execution

Understanding Embedded Analytics
Articles, Data Analytics, Sales Execution
It was early in the genesis of GreatVines that we realized including business insights and results with our application was critical to its success. The buzzword “embedded analytics” didn’t even exist back when we first started…

Craft Beer Sales Slump – Why and What to do
Articles, Retail Space Management
There is no question that Craft Beer has seen a massive growth spurt in the last decade. Consumers have increasingly turned to the more flavorful and higher cost brews from a wider number of suppliers, as well as embracing a constant…

Spring Training : Beverage Sales Pros
Articles, Sales Execution
If you’re a baseball fan like me, you’re always invigorated this time of the year when the boys of summer report to the sunny states of Arizona and Florida to begin Spring Training. The smell of the groomed infield clay and…

Right Tools for a Job Are Only Half the Battle
Articles, Data Analytics, Sales Execution
Want to get the most from your implementation of GreatVines? I know you do! Yet, it is safe to say, for all the benefits you wish to gain from using this powerful solution, you’re probably only yielding a portion of what you…

Didn’t Make the Top 30 Domestic Wineries List? Gain Advantage Using Tech Tools
Articles, Data Analytics, News, Sales Execution
There are more than 9,000 domestic wineries in the United States, yet 90% of all the wine sold in America is produced by a mere handful of producers. Yes, the Wine Business Monthly WBM30 list is out in this month’s issue and…

What’s in it for Me? Attaining Preferred Supplier Status
Articles, Retail Space Management
Motivated suppliers often come to the realization that there is an enormous benefit in improving their relationships with distributors in an increasingly crowded marketplace. We have been increasingly queried by suppliers (both…

The Weapons of War Evolve to Address the Changing Nature of the Battle
Articles, Retail Space Management
The old saw says, “never bring a knife to a gunfight”. The idea that it is foolish to enter into a battle situation with outclassed weaponry is not a new one. It is an idea that can easily be applied to the fate of beverage distributors…

How to become a “Preferred” Supplier within the Distributor Network
Articles, Retail Space Management
Verb prəˈfərd
liked better than another or others
Synonyms: would rather have, favor, be more partial to
What does it mean to be a “preferred” supplier at a distributor?
When you achieve “preferred”…

Stop Depending So Much on Your Distributors
Articles, Retail Space ManagementThere’s a popular but delusional belief in the wine industry that distributors will build your brand for you. Same goes for spirits and beer suppliers. It seems a reasonable assumption on the surface. After all, that’s how it’s been done…