7 Steps to Smart Goals: A Guide to Higher Achievements in the New Year
Using GreatVines technology, you can plan, execute, and measure against goals to ensure a higher level of success. We provide the tools for creating smart goals, using real-time data, reporting, and scorecards, to name a few.
The best goals begin with good planning, though. For optimal results, continue reading for a list of seven steps to help enact your plans.
#1 Understand the Reason Behind the Goal
Ask yourself WHY you need this goal. How is it relevant to delivering against your overall business strategy? What overall significance does it carry to the brand? What results are you hoping to see? Well-thought-out answers to these questions will ensure that your goal will deliver against KPIs and ultimately the volume desired.
ProTip: Focus on brand building efforts to bring richer, long-term benefits.
#2 Set Yourself Up for Success
Make sure you have the right tools in your toolbox by evaluating where your sales team is at. Setting the same goal for each person might be counterproductive if your team has a wide range of targets in their territory. Use this as an opportunity to play to their strengths by finding measurable and attainable specifics that make sense for the team and individuals alike. Do you see a potential gap in your teams’ knowledge base? Take the time to make sure they’re properly educated by providing the information they may need.
ProTip: Double-check that your team has access to everything they need from their mobile devices.
#3 Make a Plan
Add a timeline to each goal to give a more clear picture of pacing and pressure. Keep your objectives simple! Make sure your goals are clear by boiling them down to easily understood items. Use relevant sales activities, and accounts to implement them in, as a basis for your goals where possible. Don’t overcomplicate it.
ProTip: Target activities that drive sales volumes, instead of focusing solely on sales volumes themselves.
#4 And… Go!
Ready with the why, when, and how? It’s time to get started! Clearly communicate your goals to the team in a way that works best for your company. Keep track of progress and results in real-time.
ProTip: Check on goal progress to increase accountability, through scheduled meetings or quick help in your team’s collaboration tool.
#5 Evaluate the Results
Even with the ability to monitor progress in real-time, it’s good to hold off on a full evaluation until the end of your timeline to get a complete view of the data. What do you notice? List out observations even if they seem small. Is there room for improvement? Check in with reps to see if more education or resources are needed. Make adjustments if part of the plan isn’t working.
ProTip: Adjust or set new goals from reports for the most measurable outcomes.
#6 Celebrate Success
Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate success. Even if the goal is small, encouraging your team with positive reinforcement will go a long way in making people feel good about the work they’re doing. If your team is motivated, knowing that rewards are waiting for them will increase work ethic, and potentially spur healthy competition.
ProTip: Incentivize higher goal adoption by giving rewards for a job well-done.
#7 Repeat
Now that you’ve gone through the whole process, take what you’ve learned and apply it. Remember why your goals exist, and move forward with positive, brand-building efforts. It’s important to keep moving, especially with attainable goals.
ProTip: Make small adjustments as needed to retain consistency.