What’s in it for Me? Attaining Preferred Supplier Status
Motivated suppliers often come to the realization that there is an enormous benefit in improving their relationships with distributors in an increasingly crowded marketplace. We have been increasingly queried by suppliers (both GreatVines customers and those considering implementing cloud solutions for better sales and marketing management) on how they might get better mileage from their distributor relationships.
Studies confirm that suppliers earning “preferred status” among their distributors tend to enjoy notable increases in sales and a correlated boost in brand awareness. It isn’t hard to imagine what being the recipient of special attention from your top distributor would mean for your brand awareness and bottom line. Simply imagining it though, does little toward making a supplier the distributors’ “go-to” producer. Achieving this lucrative status simply doesn’t just happen on its own. Yet, preference can be cultivated if one knows the proper approach to achieving it.
Becoming a preferred supplier is the epitome of working smarter not harder, and while it does require some legwork to achieve, it is certainly not beyond your ability – if you have the right strategy to succeed. The strategy is clearly articulated in the newest white paper from GreatVines, “Achieving ‘Preferred Supplier’ Status within the Distributor Network – What It Means, Why It Matters and How to Achieve It”. The paper explains in detail, not only the numerous, significant benefits to becoming a “Preferred Supplier” to your distributors, but what you must do to achieve this rarified position.